The International Association of Alien Contactees

About Us

The International Association of Alien Contactees was formed in December of 2024 by Bill Rountree. After writing his book in 2023 (Aliens Are With Us: What I Learned From Aliens Visiting Me Over One Hundred Times Spanning Fifty Years) he began to realize that there was a need for he and other individuals that have had contact with extraterrestrials to join together to support some goals that are common to them and to them alone. There are relatively very few alien contactees around the world that have publicly come forward with their stories and they are the only ones to truly understand the full implications of the experiences they have had, why the aliens are here on earth and what is their involvement with mankind. They have bravely come forward with their stories to share what they have learned from their experiences which they want to share with the world. This and the other goals of the association are described below in our mission.

Our Mission

  • The associations primary focus is to support the needs and well-being of individuals around the world that have been contacted by extraterrestials. Contact being defined as physical contact, abductions and contact in the form of communication between the individual and the extraterrestrial. There are other groups that focus on sightings of a life form or an object that does not appear to be from earth, that is not the intent of this association. There wil be no charge for membership in the association.
  • To ensure the perception of individuals that have come forward as being contacted by aliens is positive and presented fairly. All too often the media and others portray the individuals that have the courage to come forward with their experiences with extraterrestrials in a negative tone.
  • The association will also provide information regarding alien contact experiences that have been reported to our members. Individuals that have been contacted by extraterrestrials (especially those that have been contacted many times) have more information and knowledge about who the extraterrestrials are and why they are visiting earth than any other people around the world. Therefore another goal of this association is to gather, organize, summarize and disseminate this information to the public. This will be provided to the visitors of this website and through other media outlets. There will never be a charge to access this information.
  • To make sure the voice and opinion of members of our association is heard when discussions about extraterrestrials occur and are being presented to the public.
  • To support the sale of books and other media created by members of the association.
  • The currenty strategy of the association is to be a non-profit organization however this is pending approval by members of the assocation.