International Association of Alien Contactees

International Association of Alien Contactees

There are undoubtedly hundreds of thousands or most likely millions or even hundreds of millions of people around the world that have had contact with intelligent life from other planets. Some people that have had contact probably realize that the experiences they had were with life forms that were not from earth but just chose to keep it a secret. Others may just suspect they were visited by aliens but are not ready to accept it as a fact. The vast majority of people that are contacted do not come forward with their stories because they fear that by doing so they may expose themselves to possible ridicule and harassment. This website and association along with the books and other media we feature were all created to help people understand more about their experiences and what they mean. And also, to enable alien contactees to realize they are far from alone with their experiences, they are not wrong in believing their experiences are from extraterrestrials and their experiences are indeed real.

The members of the International Association of Alien Contactees and the authors of the books and other media you find on our website are not fringe members of society as they are often portrayed by the media, instead they are doctors, successful Fortune 50 managers and business executives, teachers, farmers - ordinary people like those you know. But they have had extraordinary experiences and have the courage and belief in the importance of sharing their stories concerning extraterrestrials to write books and create other media to share their message. As many of our members state in their books and media - our stories need to be told and the public needs to realize these are true stories. The links and descriptions of these incredible but true stories can be found on the pages below.